Saturday, 28 April 2012

Real life barbies

It is obvious that barbie has had a negative affect on some people. Since girls are given barbie from a young age, they may aspire to be like her.Take this Ukrainian girl for example, who had surgery to look like barbie.

She is only 21, and before and after photos of her show that she was beautiful before she had surgery!
Why would a girl do this to herself? It seems like Valeria thinks that barbie has the perfect body and, uncomftable with her own, thinks that if she too can look like barbie she will be "perfect". This is the dismal result that has come from our childhood toy's influence on girls. Obviously this is an extreme, but it proves the negative affect barbie has on girls. Valeries surgery to look like barbie will not only have an affect on her mental health, but also on her physical health. This article, suggests that Valeria would have to have gotten a lot of crazy work done to look the way she does now and she may have even had ribs removed. It also suggests in the article that having such platic surgery at such a young age may take its toll on her health.

Here's another real life barbie, her name is Cindy Jackson and she is an older barbie look-alike. Read about her story here. She too had a desire to look beautiful and turned to plastic surgery for this. She admits that she always wanted to look like barbie, even when she was 6 years old!

Don't you think these stories are so sad? Girls thinking that they aren't good enough and turning to plastic surgery. I know that getting rid of barbie might not solve the problem completely but it will take away one of the unrealistic bodies that is portrayed to young girls as "perfect." These woman are living proof of the sad results of our not so innocent barbie doll.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Other options

Since young girls love playing with Barbie dolls so much, it would be unfair to say that they should not play with dolls that are based on older woman.However, there are other dolls that children can play with. Below is a photo of a more realistic doll called "Emme", based on a real life, plus size model.
This doll aims to promote a healthy body image. It's proportions are much more realistic than Barbie's, with bigger hips and broader shoulders.

I think that dolls like this would have a much more positive effect on girls body image and should be sold in toy shops instead of the Barbie doll. Studies have been done on the different effects that the Emme doll has on young girls compared to the effect that the barbie doll has on young girls. The research shows that girls who were exposed tot he barbie doll ate less than those exposed to the Emme doll.The research is explained in this article. Another experiment shows that exposure to barbie dolls at a young age may have a negative effect on young girls body image and may lead to eating disorders.

Therefore, the Barbie doll should be replaced by more realistic dolls to promote a healthier body image in girls.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


To conclude my filter blog on Barbie, I think that Barbie should be taken off shelves. Although Barbie has become a cultural icon, she has an extremely negative effect on girls body image. Barbie's proportions are completely distorted and it is unhealthy for children to be exposed to this. She does not have the "perfect" body and it is sad that so many girls grow up admiring this doll. If children were given a more realistic doll to play with it may solve some problems. Girls such as Valeria, have gone to extremes to look like Barbie and Cindy Jackson admits that as a young girl it was always her dream to look like Barbie. These woman have gone through extreme plastic surgery to look like Barbie. How sad is this! Barbie should not be given to young girls and maybe things like this wouldn't happen. This doll is so unhealthy for young girls to play with and I hope this blog has helped some people to see this.

Thursday, 5 April 2012


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Leung, R (February 2009). Becoming Barbie: Living Dolls. Retrieved May 2012 from

Mathur, A (April 2012). 'Living Doll' Valeria Lukyanova Before And After Make-Up: What Did She Do To Become World's Most Convincing Real-Life Barbie? (PHOTOS). Retrieved May 2012 from 
O'Brian, S. (Date) Barbie Doll Profile: What's Barbie really like? Retrieved May 2012 from

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Slayen, G. (August 2011). The scary reality of a real-life Barbie doll. Retrieved May 2012 from

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Thomas, S. (November 2011). Slumber Party Barbie Kit with Scales and Weight Loss Book. Retrieved May 2012 from

Weiss, P. (October 2011). The Plastic Surgery a Model Needs to Look Like Barbie. Retrieved May 2012 from

Winterman, D. (March 2009). What would a real life barbie look like? Retrieved May 2012 from