Saturday, 14 April 2012


To conclude my filter blog on Barbie, I think that Barbie should be taken off shelves. Although Barbie has become a cultural icon, she has an extremely negative effect on girls body image. Barbie's proportions are completely distorted and it is unhealthy for children to be exposed to this. She does not have the "perfect" body and it is sad that so many girls grow up admiring this doll. If children were given a more realistic doll to play with it may solve some problems. Girls such as Valeria, have gone to extremes to look like Barbie and Cindy Jackson admits that as a young girl it was always her dream to look like Barbie. These woman have gone through extreme plastic surgery to look like Barbie. How sad is this! Barbie should not be given to young girls and maybe things like this wouldn't happen. This doll is so unhealthy for young girls to play with and I hope this blog has helped some people to see this.


  1. If you were to take barbies off the shelves, there will only be more barbie knockoffs to replace them, such as Bratz dolls. I think, in my opinion, it would better to educate children more about self-image and feeling good about being in your own body.

  2. I recently read the article about Valeria, kind of feraky tbh. I'm sure barbie dolls make girls so insecure and its not a good look but barbie dolls are so popular it'll be almost impossible to iliminate them some stores, but i agree, they should be taken down. i also thought why arent boys influenced? I suppose they wish they had cars that could transform ??
    I loved your blog!

  3. I agree, I don't think Barbie can be simply taken off the shelf (As good as that would be) but I think there should be more awareness around the issue of eating disorders and loving your body. :D
