Sunday, 13 May 2012

Introducing Barbie

Ever heard of a girl called Barbara Millicent Roberts? She has been around for over 50 years and in that time, has had over 40 pets and  more then 100 jobs! I am talking about the famous Barbie doll. Did you know that two barbie dolls are sold every second. I bet you didn't know that Barbie was based on a German adult doll called  Bild Lilli (see below).

 This doll was based on a sexy cartoon character, published in a German news paper in 1952. This sexy adult doll was the predecessor of our modern barbie doll. 

Is it right that so many children spend hours playing with barbie dolls? She has become a cultural icon. I believe that barbie is not a good role model for young girls. Her unrealistic proportions, gives girls a warped perception of beauty from a very young age. If barbie was real, she would probably not be able to menstruate as she is too thin! This is definitely not a healthy image for young girls to be around and idolize.

 My argument is on why barbie should be taken off shelves.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

If barbie were real

This image, is of a life sized barbie doll. It was made by a girl called Galia Slayen who has previously suffered from anorexia. She made this doll in order to show how ridiculous barbie would look if she was a real person. In a chapter on Barbies anthropometry (study of human kind) written by  Jacqueline Urla and Alan C. Swedlund, they come to the conclusion that if barbie was a real person she would be "clinically anorectic to say the least." An article in a BBC news magazine states that: only one in one thousand women would have a figure that is similar to barbies! Some articles even suggest that if barbie were real, she would have to walk on all fours! Whether this is completely true or not, it is obvious that barbie is a completely unrealistic depiction of a woman. It seems ridiculous that this is the doll that young girls are given!

Here's a picture of the model Katie Halchishick that suggests the plastic surgery that she would need to have to look like barbie:

It was featured in the "O magazine", read more about this here. Katie disapproves of the distorted womanly body image that barbie portrays and this photo is to prove her point. 

Isn't this shocking? I think that this model is beautiful and the amount of surgery that she would have to undergo to obtain this plastic, barbie-like beauty is crazy.

So if barbie's body is so unrealistic, why is she the doll that so many children play with? Don't you agree that it is wrong for a child to spend so much time playing with this doll? Her unrealistic, tiny, anorexic body is the one that girls all around the world dress up in little clothes and bring to life. This is so unhealthy for them! Barbie's distorted figure is the one that they become used to and even idolize, wishing to be like her!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Barbie goes too far

I've come across a barbie doll that was released in the 1950's called Slumber party barbie. Some aspects about this barbie are quite shocking. It came with multiple accessories including a pair of scales set at 110lbs (around 50 kg), not a very healthy weight for most woman. But it gets even worse! Also included in this edition was a book titled "how to lose weight" and on the back had the tip, "don't eat."
Imagine if you were given his as a child. This could easily encourage anorexia in young girls. This is the most extreme barbie that I could find. There is also a teen aged pregnancy barbie, it's possible that it's not a real barbie but I will include a photo for arguments sake.

Again I ask, what kind of message is this sending children? These barbies are so shocking and I honestly can't believe that a parent would buy this for their child. I think people underestimate the influence a barbie can have on a young girl.